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Skin Cancer Natural - High Levels of Selenium Decrease Risk of Skin Cancer

Keith D. Bishop, Clinical Nutritionist, B.Sc. Pharmacy - July 30, 2009

Skin Cancer Natural:
High blood levels of selenium decrease the risk of basal cell carcinoma by 57% and squamous cell carcinoma by 63%.

Skin Cancer Natural - Selenium decreases the risk of skin cancerAntioxidant nutrients, which include carotenoids, vitamin E and selenium can prevent skin damage caused by ultraviolet rays from sunlight, but it is unclear whether these nutrients can influence skin cancer risk.

A recent study sought to determine whether there is any association between serum concentrations of antioxidant nutrients and skin cancer. The study included 485 patients who were followed from 1994 to 2004. They provided blood samples, which the researchers measured for levels of carotenoids, vitamin E and selenium and their relation to basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma occurrence.

The researchers found that while no relationship was found between serum carotenoids or vitamin E levels and skin cancer risk, there was a significant relationship with selenium.

The results revealed that those with the high blood levels of selenium had a 57% decreased risk of basal cell carcinoma and a 63% reduced risk of squamous cell carcinoma, compared to those with the lowest selenium blood levels. It appears that high serum levels of selenium are associated with a decreased risk of future skin cancer.[1]

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Reference Source

[1] van der Pols JC, Heinen MM, Hughes MC, et al. Serum antioxidants and skin cancer risk: an 8-year community-based follow-up study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2009;18(4):1167-73

About the Author:

Keith D. Bishop, Clinical Nutritionist, B.Sc. Pharmacy helps his clients improve their health by using natural products, tests and self care. He writes special reports on natural product, diet and lifestyle effects on cancer. You may schedule an appointment for customized natural cancer recommendations by calling 405.919.1982. Click here to learn more about Alternative Cancer Treatment Appointments.


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